In light of the hot political climate, this month we read historian Federico Finchelstein’s, The Wannabe Fascists: A Guide to Understanding the Greatest Threat to Democracy. Finchelstein is an argentinian historian “born into a gruesome dictatorship” that argues a historical perspective on far right wing populism, fascism, and the worldwide correlations between the individuals perpetuating these ideologies. He then goes on to argue and warn the free world about a new political breed willing to destroy democracy from within – the wannabe fascists.
The majority of the argument is centered around 4 pillars of fascism – xenophobia, militarization of politics (political violence), lies and propaganda, and dictatorship. In these arguments, Finchelstein highlights the fascist rhetoric of who he is arguing to be wannabe fascists like Trump, Bolsonaro, and Modi that is eerily reminiscent of more gruesome and extreme fascists – like Hitler and Mussolini.
Overall, this is a warning based on decades of research and scholarship, on the destruction of democracy. Finchelstein draws on multiple irrefutable examples that I would hope make everyone at least take a closer look at what is unfolding with things like Trumpism.
Great read. Informative. Insightful. 4/5. Would recommend for everyone to read.